Register as a User of SCTI Tools

Thank you for registering as a user of SCTI tools! When you fill out the optional survey, your registration helps SCTI understand better where and how the software tools are being used and guides future development.

Only fields with an asterisk are required. You can edit or remove your information at any time, and it is never shared outside of SCTI.

Survey | Information that you provide helps us understand where and how our software tools are being used and guides future development.

Contact Lists | Stay up to date with SCTI software updates and/or let us send you surveys to help us understand user needs.
We use these lists to notify users of major software updates and to survey users about needs (for example, what topics should be covered in eLearning modules). You can choose to receive either or both types of messages.
To keep spam at bay we have a simple custom Captcha.